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You can fly if you spam dash.


Yes, and it's alright I have put all the measures in place to make sure you can only fly in the stage not over or under it so go for it. People breaking open the game and finding new ways to play it is incredible to me.

An absolute joy to play! Thanks for the controller support, I’m terrible with the keyboard :)

happy to hear it thanks for the kind words :)

Cool mechanic and nice atmosphere! Took me a while to realize that you could control the direction of the fast move effect when using it. I might be a bit slow :D Nice work!

Thanks! no worries part of the joy is discovering you could use the mechanics in a different way

Hello.  I enjoyed the game, I found it unique and interesting! I have bigger hands, so I felt the keys were a bit clunky when trying to combo two different moves together and felt stuck in one area. maybe in the future you can add controller support? but overall I enjoyed the atmosphere.

I'll do you better, I will do it now.

(1 edit)
Added Controller support, here is the mapping. I haven't updated the UI to show the proper prompt but this should allow you to play :) Thanks for the kind words btw.

There is a bug in Godot web export that prevented the trigger button to be used for some reason but the rest should be alright.

Thank you very much i was able to beat the game after! the end is tricky but worth it.

ok  pls add a better tutorial a real liked the game but a stile have no idea what he purple harie dose so pls do a tutorial you may win if you are able to explan to the player the controls idk 

Agreed,  after some playtest by some of my friend some stage are definitely a bit rough around the edges, thanks for the feedback dude

(1 edit)

Fixed the thing you are talking about by adding stages early that forces the use of the purple hair mechanic.

And some visual tutorial

good job will love to play test  right now but a dont have my laptop with my rn

just ply the game it has some bugs with jumping  and dashing  at the same time  and a sugenst you add coyote time as  a  esey mode  and for hard mode maket shorter

I am not sure if the bug you are talking about is regarding the height and sometimes the dash would go diagonally when it shouldn't but I fixed that, all superdash when on air should go as far as the one on the ground and should go straight in your chosen direction.

I really didn't know about Coyote Time previously and you mentioning it really helped me polish this game, thanks. I have implemented it on the game.

no a  just cant dash some time when jumping  maby is when a pres the right or left arrow  and up arrow at the same time